President Galli´s motto is:  "Work hard, Play hard!"  We are here to enjoy our time in Spain, and also to find joy in the work!  The missionaries in the Spain Barcelona Mission are striving to be converted to the Lord, to be obedient, to work hard and to play hard.  We are in Spain!

At the zone conferences this month, we were taught by Sister Galli that conversion comes only by the Spirit. We are not converted by the Book of Mormon, the prophet, angels, missionaries, the temple, or even Jesus Christ.

Remember, that when Christ was on the earth, the majority of the people were not converted.

However, we can lean how to hear the voice of the Spirit.  We need to follow the promptings of the Spirit in order to receive more revelation.  We need to pray that the Spirit can be in our lives.

Some of the ways that we might feel the Spirit are through a feeling of warmth, peace, or through inspired thoughts.

Badalona and Zaragoza Zones

The Lord honors our intentions to want to have the Spirit and to live for it.  If we have the guidance of the Spirit, we can teach any person.

Elders Eiguren and Loveland

 The Lord knows more than any of us.  The Holy Ghost is more powerful than personal contact with heavenly beings.

Alma 37:7 -  "And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls."

Bilbao Zone

Barcelona and Hospitalet Zones

Hermana Mecham
Hermana Mickelsen
  The Liahona worked according to faith.  The tiniest whisperings can lead to miracles if we attune ourselves to listen to them.  Believing is more important than knowing.

Hermana Tenorio

The questions that the Savior asked caused reflection, commitment and introspection.  We can also be inspired in the questions that we ask.

Hermanas Johnson and Robinson

Hermanas Holmgren and Donahey

Elders Child, Murillo, Pain, Smith
Hermanas Lugo and Yurkiv

President Galli spoke about how we can feel the Spirit.  It is not always the same, and not very often.  Sometimes, it is subtle knowledge, impressions, clear direction, peace, hope, joy, a sensation of light, or seeing a new perspective.

Elders Loveland and Woodfield, President Galli

Elder Beasley, Hermanas Tenorio, Cruz, Elders Wilde, Jenkins, and Jewkes

The South Zone Conference

D&C 8:2-3 - "Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart.  Now, behold this is the spirit of revelation; behold, this is the spirit by which Moses brought the children of Israel through the Red Sea on dry ground."

Palma Zone Conference

Through the Spirit we will know the truth of all things,and it will lift us up and give us joy.

Hermana Davis
Hermana Reed

Elder Murillo, Hermana Reed, Olla


Sister Galli said that we should say to ourselves,"I partnered with God as He changed me, but not as a perfect person.  We draw to God as plants draw to the sun.  We cannot keep God from saving us!"

Elders West, Gardner, and Calderon

Hermanas Bashaw, Howard and Smith

Now, in our Mission, missionaries are encouraged to carry a Book of Mormon in their hands at all times with the title facing outwards.

Hermanas Jenkins and Nielson
Hermanas Floyd and Perrins

Hermanas Hyde and Brown

First Aid:  The missionaries were each given rice packs, frozen popcorn packs, and first aid packs at the zone conferences.  The rice was poured into tube socks, and then tied at the end to be used for heat packs.  Zip-lock bags were filled with popcorn kernels to store in freezers as an ice pack.

Hermana Hull
First Aid kits were given to the missionaries, which contained wound care supplies along with antibiotic ointment, a thermometer and antihistamine for sudden allergic reactions.

Elders Orellana, loveland, Browning, Willden, Petersen, Woodfield, Harris and Richardson

Hermana Olla
Hermana Yates
Scripture study time while waiting for interviews

Hermana Reed

Hermanas Walker and Rodriguez
Eders Reviriego and Murillo
Hermana Cruz

Elders Woodfield, Loveland, Hanson, Richardson and Harris

Elder González
Elders Toro, Kassing, and Dixon

Hermanas Yurkiv, Lugo, Turner, Gadd, Donahey, Elder Hurst

Hermanas Sadd and Dimon

Buenos Dias!
Hermana Karen Hanson
Barcelona Mission Office