We welcomed a wonderful new group of missionaries in April! Several of these missionaries were stranded at the JFK Airport in New York and ended up spending the night in the airport!  They arrived one day late, and very weary, but they smiled and had a great attitude! We are so thrilled to have this outstanding group of missionaries arrive in our mission.  We also said good-bye to many missionaries who had finished their great service here in the Barcelona Mission.  We thank them for their valiant service.

New Missionaries

Luke 10 - The Good Samaritan

A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment; and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.

• 31 And by chance there came down a certain priest that way; and when he saw him he passed by on the other side.

• 32 And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by
 on the other side.

• 33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was; and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,

34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him an inn, and took care of him.

• 35 And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.

• 36 Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?

President Galli and Elder Peterson

The following remarks are from Sister Galli. "This story touches me very much, and I am trying to learn from it. It was given in response to a question that the Savior was asked about what it means to love.

We don’t know much about the man who was beaten: Why was he traveling on a dangerous road alone? Had fellow travelers or friends already abandoned him? Did he not understand the risks of that desolate place? (I have been on that road, and it is still very lonely, and could be dangerous if you were alone.)  We do not know if he was rich or poor.  We don’t know if he lived or died. We do not even know if he was grateful for the help he received!

Maybe the Lord didn’t say more about him because the story is not about him, really.

Hermanas Bates, Vincent, Mercado and Grunbichler
It is about the three other men.  But still, there are more questions than answers.  Did any of the three men: the priest, the Levite, or the Samaritan know the injured man?  It seems unlikely.  A naked, injured man has lost his identity for the moment. He is just a man suffering.

If they had known him, would they have stopped?  Were they all going somewhere so important that they could not stop? Priests and Levites were probably busy with many responsibilities, but what about the Samaritan? Was he busy too?

Hermana Chapple

Elder Clement
The Samaritan chose to stop and help in a very difficult situation where few, if any people, could see the good he was doing. There was lying on a dangerous road a badly beaten man. 
Hermanas Britez and Mercado

The Samaritan had with him on his journey precious, life-giving wine and oil, which he was willing to use to bless the needy man.  And apparently he knew what would be helpful.

Hermanas Rolz and Chapple
 I do not know if the inn he brought him to was nearby, or on the way he was already going, but either the Samaritan had to walk or share his horse with the “half dead” man, because he put him on “his own beast.”

Elder Carvajal

Elder DeGroot

Apparently the Samaritan was well enough off, and also had some place to go, because when he left to continue his journey, he paid the innkeeper to continue the service and promised he would return. He did not do everything possible to heal the man, but he did what had to be done when it needed to be done.

Elders Harrison and Mukai

Why was the Samaritan willing to help someone he did not know, and who even might be his enemy, since Samaritans were not well liked? The Lord tells us it was because he had learned the lesson of love.

Elders Clement and Moore

Hermanas Floyd and Lucas

I realize that I am not yet as loving as this wonderful man, but I have seen members of the church love and serve others in this way, and I am trying to learn

Hermana Glenn

I have seen El Faro missionaries be incredibly kind, too.  The good Samaritan is a model of ministering.  His kindness did not cost him everything, but it took his time, some of his resources, and his attention.  It took inspiration to know what was needed in an unexpected moment of great need, and especially, a willingness to act.

Hermana Wangsgard
It took attention.

The Samaritan was like the Lord—a rescuer.  He is actually a great example of finding by the Spirit (even though I don’t think the wounded man was up for a restoration lesson just then!).

Hermanas Rolz and Bates

Elders Strong and Keir

When we love those we serve, the Spirit will show us how to bless them so that the Savior can change their lives.

I am grateful for true disciples who have shown me that it is better not to turn away from the hardest problems that our brothers and sisters may have.  They have shown me how to come closer, to offer whatever we have to help, even if no one sees us do it. They have given what they had of resources and compassion, and let others help, as the innkeeper was asked to do." 

 Lark Galli

Elder Gregory

Elders Killpack and Peterson

Chapple and Brunbichler

Elder Harrison
Hermana Roberts

Elders Horspool and Benidorm
Elder Horspool
Elder Hubbs

Elders Hubbs and Dixon
Elders Johns and Wilde

Elder Johns

Elders Lowry and Moon

Hermanas Lucas and Olla

Hermana McBride

Hermanas Palmer and Anderson

Hermana Palmer

Elders Peters and Frazier

Elder Peters

Elders Power and DeGroot

Hermanas Glenn and Richardson

Elder Strong

Hermana Olla
Elders Woodfield and Lewis

Hermanas Arnold and Roberts

Happy Spring!
Karen Hanson
Mission Office