It is a new year and a new mission phase.  The first transfers of 2019 have been unusual because we have had six different arrival times for new missionaries!  We are so excited for these enthusiastic new missionaries.  They will be a great addition to the mission and will accomplish much.

 Hermanas Iongi, Brown, Galli, Howard, Hopkins, Larsen, Blakely, Pres. Galli

We are no longer El Faro Nuevo.  We are again El Faro, stronger than ever and still growing! We honor those who went before and we stand on their shoulders.

Our new mission theme for 2019 is ¨Converted to the Lord¨".  Conversion of our own selves first, and then, conversion of our friends and deeper conversion of recent and returning missionaries.

Elder Garlick

Elder Gurrola

Elder Condori

Conversion is a battle for the soul.
Prayer is key for conversion.

New missionaries with their trainers

Elder West
Elder Ho Ching

Hermana Mangum, friend, Hermana Galli

Faith is essential to conversion.
Personal conversion precedes conversion of others.  Conversion is not just a onetime event.
The more converted we are, the more we want to share our joy with others.

Palma Zone conference

Elder Ewell
Elder Gongora

Hermana Blakely
Hermana Hill

Hermana Hopkins

¨Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any human soul should perish; yea, even the very thoughts that any soul should endure endless torment did cause them to quake and tremble.¨ Mosiah 28:3

Hermana Rodriguez
Hermana Larsen

Hermana Howard
Hermana Mickelsen

Hermana Rodridguez
The aim of all gospel learning and teaching is to deepen our conversion and help us become more like Jesus Christ.   For this reason, when we study the gospel, we want to become a ¨new creature¨. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Elders Triana and Burgos

Hermana Íongi

Elders Cobbley and Fryer

Hermana Brown
Elders Condori and Reviriego

Elders Nelson and Casey

"Conversion to the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel should precede conversion to and membership in His Church."  Elder Dallin H. Oaks

Elders Clark and Garlick
President Galli and Hermana Britez
Elders Gurrola and Adcock

Hermanas Hill and Anderson

"And the Lord said Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren." Luke 22:31-32

Elders Ho Ching and Peck

Hermanas Bashaw, Bockova, Robinson and Wright
Hermanas Larsen, Rogers and Britez
Hermanas Perrins and Garcia

Hermanas Mickelsen and Davis

Hermanas Rodriguez and Bravo

zone conference

Hermanas Smith and Mason
Hermanas Clegg and Rush
Elders Loveland, Richardson, Tagge and Pack at the transfer board

Elders West and Maybury
Elder and Sister Tanner with President and Sister Galli

Elders Flake and Iñesta

We welcome the Tanners to the mission
Hermanas Wilda and Yates
President Galli and Elder Gardner

Elder and Sister Hetzel

CONVERSION is the focus in El Faro for 2019!

We welcome the Mifflins to the mission, seated left, with Bishops and Gallis

Karen Hanson
Mission Office