Sweet is the Work

This wonderful group of missionaries (pictured below) left us this week at the completion of their missions.  They have been dedicated, strong, and valiant in their missionary service for the Spain Barcelona Mission.  We wish them well and we will miss them dearly!
In this post we will share some of their thoughts at the conclusion of their missions.

Front: Elders Gardner, Crawford, Ferraz, Hamson, Hermanas Galli,  Anderson, Pres. Galli, Elders Peterson , Browning, Beasley, Pack and Woodfield

Elders Ferraz, Pack and Hermana Anderson
"It's really hard to explain everything I've learned on my mission. However, I think one of the biggest overall themes I have learned here in my time in Spain is what change really is. We are so small, but in such great hands. There is a reason the scriptures tell us we are lower than the dust of the earth. We are so small in this world, but yet God loves us individually and infinitely. When we trust in that love, the Lord molds us into people far greater than we could ever choose for ourselves. I remember in the beginning of my mission I told myself I wasn't going to change. However, I started seeing the beauty in change as I saw others using the Atonement of Jesus Christ. That is what His Atonement is all about. It's about change. He suffered for us so that we can change every day, so that we are not the same person we were yesterday. He took upon Him our failures, so that when we fail, we can do as He did and overcome. Every day we can wake up and decide who we want to be, because of Him.  I've seen too many incredible people change their lives and become even happier, even better, and more at peace to ever deny that Jesus Christ knows His sheep and knows where each one is and how to succor everyone. I know He lives because He has walked with me every step of my mission. He has led me and guided me, and I have been blessed to experience and see the beautiful change Christ brings into people's lives. There's nothing better than the front row seat the mission provides."
Hermana Sierra Casey Anderson

"The mission has taught me that some things are more important than others. I have learned and understand better now that my relationship with God is the most important thing in the world. Life has everything to do with our relationships. The relationship we have with God, with Jesus Christ, with our family, and with our friends. I know that at the end of life, I will not think about my leadership assignments, awards that I have won, the money I have, and other material things, but to think and reflect on the relationships I have. My focus should be the gospel, forever. The most important things in my life are my conversion and testimony, my family, and helping others. I have had so many days in the mission when something small made me feel good, like a smile or a compliment and I realize more and more every day that life is done in small moments. If I want to reach the person that God wants me to be, I have to take advantage of the small moments. I can't miss an opportunity to smile, serve, give a compliment, thank people, and other things like that. I have felt God's love so much in my mission. I have felt your support in your comfort. I have clearly felt the impression that I am a child of God. That he loves me more than I can understand and that I can return to his presence.  The mission has shown me that the path is already established, I just have to follow it."
Elder Tanner Joshua Woodfield

"The mission is fantastic. It is a period of time designed by God not only to build his Kingdom, but to edify the missionaries. By serving with all his heart, strength, and soul a missionary approaches God and He approaches us. We see His hand daily to see the miracles that happen. We cannot control the agency of others, but we can control our diligence, obedience, and effectiveness. As you strive to increase these, you see even more miracles and also the promised fruits of a stronger conversion. This higher level of conversion is what gives us the most power to be able to touch the hearts of our brothers and sisters to help them accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The mission is not a sacrifice, it is a gift, a great gift from God. We have to take advantage of it. Also, it is essential to understand that the mission does not really end after 2 years or 18 months. We never stop being missionaries and we must continue with the good habits and attributes of the mission. This is not going to be the moment when they are closer to the Savior, it is the beginning. Never let the mission be the moment of your most spiritual life.  Live in such a way that every day you are at home you are even closer to the Savior and then the mission will be the first step and your life, your family and your future will be everything bright because it will be next to Christ, "the light." I testify that this is the work of the Lord. He lives and is our Savior. This is his kingdom."
Elder Daniel Benjamin Hamson

"I've learned so much on my mission that it's literally impossible to sum up in a short paragraph but I'm still going to try. I'd say that the two most important things that I've learned is to work hard and love the people. I believe that everything else in the mission and really in life in general falls under those two categories. If we learn how to work hard regardless of the circumstances and difficulties that lay in our way then the Lord will bless us with the necessary  strength to be able to carry out his will. And if we truly love the people, we will begin to notice changes not only in those that we teach and interact with but also in ourselves and that is when true conversion really takes place. If we truly love, we begin to see those that we teach and ourselves with the potential that we all have. Which is to become perfect just as our Father in Heaven is perfect."
Elder Brenden Marshall Ethington

I love the mission. It had been the most worth-while experience that I have had in my life. I've noticed that the more I learned to give myself to the Lord, the more he blessed me with miracles. As we do what HE wants, we will see more success in HIS work. I love him and know that Jesus is the Christ."
Elder Robinson West Pack

"Well, it has come to the end.   I have mixed feelings, there is one feeling that I am feeling very strong for God, the people and the mission in Spain – Gratitude!  I am grateful for the people I got to know.  I am grateful for the spiritual experience I had.  I am grateful for my challenges that I had which helped me to be more humble,  and to be able to change to be more what my Heavenly Father wants me to be.  I am grateful for President and Hermana Galli who do the best they can so that we feel good.  I am grateful to my Heavenly Father who helped me all the time along the way.  I know that this is the church of Jesus Christ and I know that this gospel is true. "
Elder Gabriel Ferraz-Leite

"Serving others always makes you happy. Whenever I felt homesick, tired, or discouraged, serving and helping others was always a quick cure to negative feelings. A mission is a perfect way to help others and help yourself come to know the nature of God. The pains and struggles of serving in the burning heat or the freezing rain are always worth it when you are doing it out of love for others."
Elder Nicholas Paul Beasley

Last meal in the mission home

Hermana Anderson

Band of brothers

Our new missionaries are here! Thirteen handsome elders arrived to serve in our mission on August 20, 2019.  We are thankful for their willingness to serve and anxious to get to know them!  It was very unusual to see a group arrive without any hermanas. The new missionaries received training and ate lots of good food in the mission home.  A picture of each missionary was taken with President and Hermana Galli complete with the Spanish flag in the background. Another picture was taken with each missionary and their new companion pointing to their newly assigned area on a map.

Elders Campbell and Redford with President Galli
President and Hermana Galli announcing new companionships

Elder Griffin
Elder Griffin and Elder Monsalve

Elder Neuberger
Elder Neuberger and Elder Lyman

Elder Washburn
Elders Washburn and Elder Soelberg
Elder Madsen
Elder Power and Elder Madsen

Elder Sawaya and Elder Quevedo
Elder Sawaya

Elder Hood and Elder Miller

Elder Hood

Elder Campbell and Elder Casey

Elder Campbell

Elder Ireland

Elders Ireland and Goltra

Elder Squires

Elder Squires and Elder Otero

Elder Cannon

Elders Clark and Cannon
Elder Redford

Elder Redford and Elder Johns
Elder Shepherd

Elders Shepherd and Lucas

Elder Plewe

Elders Ho Ching and Plewe

Have a great day!
Hermana Karen Hanson