Sweet is the Work

This wonderful group of missionaries (pictured below) left us this week at the completion of their missions.  They have been dedicated, strong, and valiant in their missionary service for the Spain Barcelona Mission.  We wish them well and we will miss them dearly!
In this post we will share some of their thoughts at the conclusion of their missions.

Front: Elders Gardner, Crawford, Ferraz, Hamson, Hermanas Galli,  Anderson, Pres. Galli, Elders Peterson , Browning, Beasley, Pack and Woodfield


Elche and Cartagena Zone Conference
Zone conferences are always a wonderful opportunity to gather together as missionaries and enjoy the wisdom and lessons taught by President and Hermana Galli, as well as other missionaries.  This month, Hermana Galli focused on the doctrine of the family.  She taught us that sins, joy, redemption, sorrow, disappointment, forgiveness  and love are all part of family life. She said that we learn the behaviors and habits of our parents and that we have to work to overcome some of them. We can have joy in our posterity.  "All individuals are part of God´s families, because families are ordained of God, they are the most important social unit in time and eternity." (Preach My Gospel
p. 32)

Elder Woodfifeld, President Galli, Elder Nielsen
Elders Baxter and Gomez